Some of you have already experienced the fun of LYS (Local Yarn Store) Day in the past. Others of you may only be hearing about LYS Day just now. To keep everyone up to speed, here's a little background about LYS Day:
In 2018, TNNA (The National Needlearts Association) began what is known as LYS Day for member local yarn stores on April 21 of that year in an effort to celebrate and call attention to the importance and foundational nature of the local yarn store in promoting fiber arts.
Small, specialty yarn stores are places where people can go to see the vibrant colors of quality yarn, to learn about different fibers and techniques from deeply invested experts, to actually touch and squish those luxurious yarns.
See, contrary to popular belief, TNNA research discovered that the majority of yarn sales don't actually occur online but at brick and mortar stores, so they decided to celebrate the brick and mortar local yarn shops by dedicating a day that would encourage yarnies to go out and support those places, because even though most yarn purchases do occur at brick and mortar stores, they still face a great deal of competition from the combination of big box and online outlets. Also, small brick and mortar stores face challenges that other yarn vendors do not (i.e., they have to pay rent or a mortgage, utilities, insurance, and are subject to weather and road conditions). Plus, the past two years of covid have had a serious impact on LYS everywhere, often disrupting our ability to obtain supplies, limiting our hours, and forcing many of us to pivot and find new ways of engaging with yarnies. You can read more about TNNA's goals for LYS Day here.
Since 2018, LYS Day has become a fixture for LYS every year, despite TNNA's hiatus since 2020. Now, LYS throughout the country celebrate LYS Day, and often participating LYS and their vendors offer specials and unique products in honor of LYS Day.
Things got a bit hairy for awhile, as LYS Day 2020 was supposed to be held in April of that year but was moved to September as the covid-19 pandemic interrupted initial plans. In 2021, there was some confusion over whether or not LYS Day would occur in April or September, but now in 2022, LYS Day is set for April 30.
At HW, we'll be offering special sales and discounts during the week leading up to LYS Day, and we have some fantastic giveaways planned. Every purchase between April 12 and April 30 earns you the chance to win a FANTASTIC prize:
Grand Prize: a $50 gift certificate to Habetrot’s Wheel
2nd prize: an exclusive Habetrot’s Wheel water cup designed by Kristin’s Crafty Korner
3rd prize: an exclusive Habetrot’s Wheel notions bag designed by Kristin’s Crafty Korner
So, show your LYS some love and make a plan to stop by and shop or place a mail order or online gift certificate purchase!