October 8, 2022 is I Love Yarn Day! Started in 2011 by the Craft Yarn Council, I Love Yarn Day is set aside for yarn lovers, retailers, makers, and vendors to publicly celebrate their collective love and investment in all things related to fiber.
Where the spring sees Local Yarn Store Day where we celebrate the independent, small brick and mortar stores that anchor the fiber industry, autumn's I LOVE YARN DAY is more focused on publicly celebrating the craft by sharing our enthusiasm for the many forms of working with fiber. As such, it's a great time to show your support for those working hard in the industry, such as designers, smaller yarn companies, and LYS.
Held on the second Saturday of October, I Love Yarn Day is situated right in the midst of the fall crafting season when our thoughts naturally turn towards sweater weather and making things. Yes, I know. Many of us make all year long, but there are people out there who don't get into the making mood until the fall and winter months hit and their outdoor activities are more constrained on account of the weather. I Love Yarn Day also coincides with fall fiber festivals, adding to the overall excitement and joy of the fiber community.
And, while I Love Yarn Day is quite similar to Knit In Public Day in June, there is a slight difference. Knit in Public Day is geared towards community outreach as its focus is on inviting non-makers to become new makers while participants gather and celebrate their investment in their own local communities. I Love Yarn Day also encourages newbies, but the focus is more on the act of making as we give ourselves permission to publicly declare our maker identities and proclaim ourselves as part of the fiber fandom.
Stay tuned because HW has some fun planned for I Love Yarn Day, including a one-day-only sale and a fantastic giveaway.